The Cream Legbar is the standard by which all other production blue egg layers are measured. They sport the best blue egg color with high egg production, and our stock is tested and confirmed homozygous for the blue eggshell gene (O/O) as of 2025.*
Our flock exhibits exceptional cream color per breed SOP, with several birds carrying the recessive white gene for plumage color, meaning a White Sport Legbar is a rare possibility!
Their slender build, petite crests, and curious personalities make them the perfect addition to any flock! Additionally, Cream Legbars are an autosexing breed, meaning sex can be identified at hatch, generation after generation.
*Genetic testing performed by IQ Bird Testing Lab in Miami, FL
**All chicks vaccinated for Marek's disease.
Cream Legbar Chicks
Adult Weight: 4-7lbs
Egg Production: 200-250 eggs/year
Plumage Color: Cream and Barred
Egg Color: Blue to Blue/Green*
Purpose: Egg Production, Pet
*Tested homozygous for blue eggshell gene