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Rainbow Layer Hybrid

This Rainbow Layer Hybrid was created by Hog Lake Homestead specifically for the purpose of offering sexed pullets with a range of egg color possibilities with medium green, olive and medium brown being the most common.


Adult Weight:  5-7lb

Egg production:  200-250 eggs/year

Plumage color: Varies

Egg color: Varies

Purpose: Egg Production, Pet

Rainbow Layer Pullets

Rainbow Layer Hybrid

Our Rainbow Layer Hybrid was created using complimentary sex-linked plumage color genetics to ensure correct identification of females vs. males at hatch, to guarantee each pullet chick you order is in-fact female. This sexing trait is only guaranteed in first generation chicks purchased directly from Hog Lake Homestead.


The Rainbow Layer Hybrid has a calm and curious character, they are good foragers, are cold hardy, make great pets, and each hen will lay its own unique color!


To learn how to properly sex your chicks when hatching our "Rainbow Layer Hybrid Hatching Eggs", click the button below:

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