Hatching Egg Information
Congratulations on your new embryos!
At Hog Lake Homestead we make every effort to make you successful by confirming fertility, gathering only fresh, clean eggs, and shipping them in the best shipping materials. However, hatching eggs can be a gamble, and we have no control over how your hatching eggs are handled after they leave our farm. That being said, below is a list of steps you can take to give your new embryos the best chances of hatching into happy, healthy chicks!
Incubation Tips:
Let your eggs rest undisturbed, large end up, at room temperature for 24 hours after picking them up from the post office.
Prepare your incubator by verifying that the temperature and humidity have stabilized before adding your hatching eggs. We recommend the GOVEE hygrometer for the most accurate results. (See recommended temperature and humidity below)
When placing your eggs in the incubator, make sure to orient them large end up or on their sides (large end up is preferred for shipped eggs). If using an automatic turner, leave the turner off for the first 48 hours.
Avoid candling your eggs until Day 10. Dark brown and olive eggs can be nearly impossible to candle, so it is best to avoid handling them unnecessarily. You can candle your eggs again at Day 18, but remember, handling increases the risk to your developing embryos.
On Day 18, it is time to prepare your eggs for lockdown:
Remove eggs carefully​
Remove automatic turner
Raise humidity per the guidelines below (increased humidity prevents "shrink wrap")
DO NOT open incubator until all chicks are completely hatched -OR- when hatched chicks are 48 hours old (they will need food and water)
Temperature and Humidity:
​Day 1-18
Temperature: 99.5 F (37.5 C)​
Humidity (tabletop incubators): 30-40%
Humidity (cabinet incubators): 40-50%
LOCKDOWN - Day 18 until Hatch (20-22 days)​
Temperature: 99.5 F (37.5 C)​
Humidity: 60%
Chick Care:
Do not leave hatched chicks in the incubator longer than 48 hours before offering food and fresh water
Chicks need a heat source and a basking area of at least 102 F (39 C) and a cooling area around 70 F (21 C) to allow them to regulate their body temperature.
We do not recommend medicated chick feed until they are introduced to the outdoors, other chicks or chickens, or any poultry equipment that has not been properly sanitized. At that point, give medicated feed for two weeks to prevent an outbreak of coccidia in your new chicks.
These guidelines will ensure the best hatch rates of your new hatching eggs. Thank you for choosing Hog Lake Homestead!