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  • How much milk do Dexter cows produce?
    The average Dexter cow is capable of producing 1-2 gallons of milk per milking. If milking twice daily, they could yield 2-4 gallons of milk per day!
  • How long do Dexter cattle live?
    Dexter cattle are known for their longevity. With a lifespan of 20-25 years, they are capable of breeding into their early teens.
  • How old should Dexter cattle be to breed?
    Dexter cattle mature quickly, often reaching sexual maturity before the age of one. Most bulls will be mature and confident enough to breed cows by 18 months. Dexter heifers should not be bred earlier than 14 months to ensure that the heifer receives proper nutrition while it is still growing and to reduce the likelihood of calving difficulties.
  • At what age should Dexter steers be ready to butcher?
    Dexter steers will typically reach "finish quality" in 20-28 months depending on your feed program and desired fat cover.
  • How long does it take for Dexters to reach full size?
    The Dexter Breed Standard specifies that Dexters should not be evaluated for conformation before the age of 2 years, and mature height at the pins should be measured at 3 years of age.
  • Do Dexter cows have to be milked every day?
    One significant advantage of Dexter cattle for small hobby farms and homesteads is the flexibility in milking. Unlike dairy breeds that require scheduled milkings to prevent over-engorgement and mastitis, Dexter cows are not prone to these issues, giving you the option to skip milkings without fear of infection, though it could result in decreased milk production over time.
  • Can I sex a chick by the shape of its egg?
    Egg shape is determined by the hens reproductive organs and is not an indicator of the sex of the chick within the egg.
  • What is a "Heritage Breed"?
    A heritage breed chicken is a purebred chicken that originated before the mid-20th century and is descended from a line of chickens that were raised before industrialized farms. They are not hybrids, and their genetic lineage can be traced back multiple generations.
  • What do I need to know to hatch my new eggs?
    To learn more about hatching your new eggs, please visit our Hatching Egg Information page by clicking the link below:
  • How do I wing sex my chicks?
    Wing sexing is only possible within breeds that were bred specifically for the wing sexing trait. None of the breeds currently available from Hog Lake Homestead can be wing sexed.
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